10 June 2015, Russia-ASEAN Business Council in cooperation with Moscow ASEAN Committee arranged outdoor seminar for ASEAN Ambassadors to the RF addressed to the issue “How foreigners do business in Russia”.

Seminar was conducted in Industrial park Dega-Noginsk.

Russia-ASEAN Business Council express high appreciation to the leadership and management of Dega Group, and special appreciation to Mr. Sergey Kaushnyan – Director for business development of Dega Group and Mr. Peter Richter – General Director of “E.on connecting energies” for highly professional presentations and organization of at site visits to the facilities of industrial park.




From ASEAN side seminar was attended by Ambassador of Brunei H.E. Haini Hashim, Ambassador of Indonesia H.E. Djauhari Oratmangun, Ambassador of Malaysia H.E. Dato’ Zainol Abidin Omar, Ambassador of Singapore H.E. Ms. Lim Kheng Huа, Ambassador of Philippines H.E. Carlos D. Sorreta, Chancellor of Laos Mr. Siphandon Oybouabouddy, First secretary of Lao Embassy Mr. Vanpheng Sengmanothong, First Secretary of Thailand Embassy Ms. Orawan Permpoon and the persons accompanying them.



From Russian side seminar was attended by Ambassador at large H.E. Alexander Ivanov, Chief expert of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Alexander Starkov and Senior Expert of the Russian Ministry of economic development Mr. Nikita Kondratiev.

The main goal of seminar was to expose at practical cases successful practices of business development by foreign companies in Russia at platforms similar to Industrial park Dega-Noginsk.

Industrial Park Dega-Noginsk has land plot of more than 300 Hectares. It has 30 residents from Germany, Sweden, Belgium, France and Russia. Totalinvestments are equal to more than Euro 1,5 billion. Residentscreated 6000 workingplaces there.

Sergey Kaushnyan, Director for business development of Dega Group and General director of Agroindustrial Park “Ulianovsk” and Peter Richter General director of “E.on connecting Energies” (owner of park’s independent power plant), made presentations on main principals of operation of Dega park and their strategic plans in other Russian towns: Tula, Ekaterinburg and Ulianovsk. At seminar was also present General director of Tula Industrial park Mr. Sergey Elokhov.

All residents of the Park are enjoying full scale services starting from connection to main municipal networks (water, power, heat, etc.) up to cleaning, catering and security. At Client request management company may offer construction services to build industrial buildings and offices.

After presentation seminar participants visited independent gas turbine power plant (30 МW of E.on connecting energies), factory of German company Roto Frank producing accessories for plastic windows and the largest in Europe production facility of Swedish perfume company Oriflame.



To complete Park presentation hosts introduced new project – ready made industrial facilities provided to the client under lease-to-buy conditions. At 10 hectares site they built two industrial buildings of 1.5 thousand sq.m. each ready to accommodate any kind of logistic or manufacturing businesses. It is planned to build 8 more similar blocks around. Clients are invited to get “plug-and-play” facilities for four years lease. Upon completion of lease payments in four years time Client gets everything in full ownership.

That is unique offer for those businessmen, who is looking for opportunities to localize their production in Russia. 

That is first such event organized by Russia-ASEAN Business Council. We address our information event to diplomats to let them to pass their personal experience to national business communities.

Executive director of Russia – ASEAN BC Mr. Victor Tarusin underlined that unique business environment created by Dega park management team for European and Russian businessman should be of grate interest for their colleagues from ASEAN countries looking for safe and easy establishing enterprises in Russia.



In his closing remarks Ambassador of Indonesia  H.E. Djauhari Oratmangun expressed appreciation to the leadership of Industrial park Dega and Russia-ASEAN BC for the very useful and interesting seminar. He also expressed hope, that in the nearest future businessmen from ASEAN countries will join residents of the Dega park.

H.E. Ambassador Alexander Ivanov has pointed out that appearance of ASEAN businessmen at industrial sites of Dega park on the eve of Russia-ASEAN summit, scheduled for 2016 will become real implementation of our multilateral cooperation. He underlined, that “mission of Ambassadors consists of addressing proper signal to real entrepreneurs, capitals and investments opportunities. YouhaveseentodaythoserealopportunitiesinRussia”. END